This 50ml bottle of Jacques Herbin 1670 Émeraude de Chivor (Emerald of Chivor) green-blue ink has intense red sheen and gold flecks, and was originally released in August 2015. This...
1984 (by George Orwell) In a totalitarian dictatorship, the watchful eye of surveillance is embodied by the telescreen, inked with a dark red base that, upon drying, reveals hidden red...
This ink represents the curious and lively personality of the troublemaker Pinocchio. With a base color of emerald and mint, subtle yellow undertones emerge, complemented by sparkling gold glitter, creating...
Wearingeul The Hound of the Baskervilles from the World Literature collection is a deep maroon red ink with low shading and low green sheen. It dries in 50 seconds in...
Fountain Pen Ink - Brain (Wizard of Oz) Glitter Potion 10ml Glitter Potion is a liquid with glitter for writing/drawing inks. One can add Glitter Potion onto a non-glistening ink,...