1984 (by George Orwell) In a totalitarian dictatorship, the watchful eye of surveillance is embodied by the telescreen, inked with a dark red base that, upon drying, reveals hidden red...
Wearingeul From the Earth to the Moon from the World Literature collection is a medium greyish blue ink with low shading and blue shimmer. It dries in 30 seconds in...
Wearingeul The Hound of the Baskervilles from the World Literature collection is a deep maroon red ink with low shading and low green sheen. It dries in 50 seconds in...
Experience the chilling atmosphere of The Valley of Fear with Wearingeul's Conan Doyle-inspired ink. Its deep blue hue, contrasted with a striking red sheen, vividly embodies the terror and violence...
An ink depicting the gentle father figure, Geppetto, who lovingly looks after Pinocchio no matter what mischief he gets into. It features warm and soft colors, with clear blush red...
This ink represents the curious and lively personality of the troublemaker Pinocchio. With a base color of emerald and mint, subtle yellow undertones emerge, complemented by sparkling gold glitter, creating...
The ink is designed with inspiration from the adventures of the submarine Nautilus, exploring seas such as the Antarctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. It features a vivid blue base...
Fountain Pen Ink -Glitter Flame Potion 10ml. Fire attribute is the major of the most powerful witch, the wicked witch of the South. You can add red color glitter to...